Lefties gay bar fort lauderdale

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Or have a spelling bee, in which case you have already lost. Maybe we will never meet, because I wold hate to see 2 unbeaten players play until one lost. I only missed when I wanted them to keep playin and payin. And if I didn't win enough, it's because I was layin down.Įye cat spell either.

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Never beaten.i have been in situations in bars where the best around was there and kicked some ass.the best would not play me.i shit you not.i love the stories and earge you guys not to quit.i shamed a many of players in a game.i was bold and without fear.i bank.i cut the wax off the balls.i need no beat list or no regonition.i played my best every game.to know me is to love me.or at least respect for my ability.keep it up.i love your posts.this one is for you guys!!! I cant spell well but i can stroke well.i am truely an unknown that has been Great pool.imagine i could probably send all of you to the statice of broke. Wonderfull world of computers that allows for so much play

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Guys.i hear nothing but shit and i love it.you all sound like me and my brothers.keep it up.makes for great reading.your wit and prowlessness.Īre forever in my went for the cheeze.and now here i am in the Like i posted on here b4.i have won more money (i kept)in this game then all you

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